Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

When I Called it Life

Diposting oleh Auliya Elsa di 18.19

Life is the best gift from god to us #LifeSecret

God always  in our life #LifeSecret

Life is about take and give #LifeSecret

Life is a journey that lead us to a happiness #LifeSecret

Sometimes life is a fairytales #LifeSecret

Life is simple not difficult #LifeSecret

We have to learn from the past and look for the future #LifeSecret

We don’t ever regret about our choice, because life is a choice #LifeSecret

If you lose your time, you’ll lose your chance #LifeSecret

Life is about how we can take a chance well #LifeSecret

When you get a tears, believe that a smile will waiting for you #LifeSecret

Sometimes it’s gonna rain but after the rain there’s a rainbow come #LifeSecret

What you’ve done is your choice for the future #LifeSecret

Life is so beautifull if you can get well #LifeSecret

Life isn’t return from the start because life goes on #LifeSecret

The foolish person is when he fool away about his life #LifeSecret

Life always learn us to get better #LifeSecret

Well, maybe that some my description about Life. I think all of you have a different opinion bout it. But, as for me it’s never mind. I hope we can realize that our life is important to learn, to reach and etc. Life is only once and don’t waste our time to do a stupid something. We do, we learn, we find, we reach and then we born to be somebody. So, love your life and keep your smile : )

With the rain,

AED : )

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